>> Ars Electronica 2022 Festival University Awareness Wall

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7.9 - 11.9.22

This interactive piece deals with the (in)tangibility and (in)visibility of energy consumption in everyday life. Through the visual, sonic, and spatial configuration of open-source electronic hardware and software, Energy Exchange makes our proximity to energy perceptible and hopes to encourage a shared responsibility in our energy usage and consumption.

Energy usage can often be concealed by comfort and ease, but the production of energy from renewable and non-renewable sources has an extreme environmental cost. During a time of total climate collapse, there is no perfect solution, but better choices must be made. Total climate collapse is not inevitable, but rather it will be a result of choices that continually do not prioritize nature and our environments.

Our bodies consist of more individual microorganisms than human cells and the interactions within our species, with nature and other living beings, and finally, our interaction with technology and artificial systems connect us. We as humans are not exceptional. Energy Exchange is an opportunity for the audience of Ars Electronica Festival to engage with the energy carried around with them, and demands that we reconsider energy infrastructures and excessive energy consumption.

Energy Exchange arduino board at the Ars Electronica Festival 2022

Creators: Alexandria Ahluwalia (CA) Roham Ebrahimi Haghro (IR) Coralie Huber (AT) Natalia Marin (RO) Cosmo Schüppel (DE) David Vega (CO)

Text by: Alexandria Ahluwalia (CA)

Facilitator: Tiziano Leonardi