In the course Intersectional Internets we collaborated with the Oxford Internet Institute to do some Zine Work in November 2021. Using hand-written text and visuals from meta’s products, my work in the zine hypnotically responds to the sociotechnical imaginary of the future proposed by meta’s metaverse. This work also reflects on some of the themes relating to workers' control, and lack of control, over the means of production, in discussing this imagined labour future. This piece engages with the questions: Who is included/excluded from this imaginary? Whose imaginary is taken as an authority? Whose interests are being served? The process of creating this work involved analyzing the text and asking questions, thinking about Ruha Benjamin’s book Race After Technology, Katherine Ye's essay Silicon Valley and the English Language, Sheila Jasanoff and Sang-Hyun Kim’s book Dreamscapes of Modernity, and more. This project started with tweets to support the analysis of the sociotechincal imaginary of meta’s - formerly known as facebook’s - metaverse, but then I realized that the tweets and the language being used in them are also imaginaries. This work will be published online (soon!) in a collaborative zine with MA students from the Creative Computing Institute and PhD students at the Oxford Internet Institute. The project has since evolved into another 2 page spread. Unfortunately, neither the first version nor the second version are screen reader accessible. Please contact me at if you would like to arrange a meeting to learn about this project.